Become a Member Today!
Membership in WMA will provide you and your company with many opportunities such as continuing education, legislative issues, marketing ideas and much more!
We encourage you to participate in association functions. WMA meetings are held annually at various convenient locations throughout the state to facililate members who are limited in their ability to travel long distances.
Please keep in mind that an association is only as good its membership. If you are concerned about the future of our industry, we urge you to get involved on various committees.

Membership Categories
Manufacturer (Dues based on previous year's sales): Companies that manufacture concrete, stone and brick masonry units or hardscape products.
Under $1 Million................................................................ $1,500
Over $1 Million to $5 Million.............................................. $3,500
Over $5 Million to $7.5 Million........................................... $4,500
Over $7.5 Million to $10 Million......................................... $6,500
Over $10 Million to $15 Million.......................................... $9,500
Over $15 Million to $20 Million.......................................... $13,000
Over $20 Million to $25 Million.......................................... $16,000
Over $25 Million.............................................................. ..$20,000
Associate Members ($750): Individuals and companies engaged in providing products and/or services to the masonry and hardscape industry, but are not manufacturers or contractor/installers.
Masonry Building Materials Dealer ($1,500): Any person, firm or corporation actively engaged in retail sales of masonry units (block, brick, stone, pavers, etc.) and not a producer of such material(s), is eligible.
*Contractor/Installer Members ($850): Companies that are mason contractors or installers. Includes joint membership with the Mason Contractors Association of America (MCAA).
Professional Members ($200): Degreed professionals (including architects and engineers) with an interest in the masonry and hardscape industry. Professional members are non-voting members.
*Contractor/Installer members will receive joint membership with the Mason Contractors Association of America (MCAA). Visit for more information!
Member Benefits
Website Directory: Receive mention in WMA's publication and on the WMA web directory, which is available to the public. (Web directory includes member company name, address, phone, fax, email, and link to member's website). Opportunities for sponsorship are also available.
Showcase your products to Design Professionals through our two Annual Design Competitions:
Excellence in Masonry and Excellence in Hardscape. These highly respected competitions recognize design excellence in Masonry and Hardscape projects, highlighted and promoting the industry and products used.
Association Meetings: Meeting of the membership is held in summer and winter locations around Wisconsin. Important industry information, including code and regulatory updates, are presented at each meeting.
Your participation in WMA promoted programs enhances your marketing investment. You can be heard by joining committees that address your concerns and issues. Be sure to participate in educational seminars held throughout the year. Membership is a great opportunity to meet your customers and the key decision makers.
Have membership questions? Contact the WMA office at (608) 221-3846 or